Android: Found 5 articles

Enable the Android screen reader Talkback from the Linux command line

Posted by Eric Scheibler at April 30, 2022

You can enable Androids screen reader from the Linux command line with the following command:

adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services

Unfortunately you had to enable USB Debugging on your Android device before. Furthermore you must install the Android Debug Bridge on your PC. Otherwise the command above will not work.

Android app Tactile Clock vibrates the current time

Posted by Eric Scheibler at May 6, 2016

I’ve created a small Android app, which vibrates the current time. To start the vibration the display must be locked. Then press the power button twice in a row with a delay between 500 and 1500 milliseconds.

Update 2024: Version 2.2.0 supports Android 14

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Sync calendars and address books between the Linux console and Android

Posted by Eric Scheibler at October 14, 2014

Calendars and address books contain very sensible personal data. So it’s not advisable to share them with companies like Google or Apple. But with more than one client system in use, it is necessary to run an own calendar server to synchronize that data between the clients.

The first part of this article describes the installation and configuration of a calendar and contacts server. After that follows the presentation of calendar and address book programs for the Linux console and the Android operating system.

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