Create a valid SSL certificate
Posted by Eric Scheibler at April 25, 2015
This article describes briefly, how to create a valid, self signed SSL certificate, which for example is required by web servers. Tested under Debian Wheezy.
Posted by Eric Scheibler at April 25, 2015
This article describes briefly, how to create a valid, self signed SSL certificate, which for example is required by web servers. Tested under Debian Wheezy.
Posted by Eric Scheibler at April 24, 2015
Posted by Eric Scheibler at April 13, 2015
For the friends of the text console I’ve created a small shell script, which extracts text from images and scanned PDF files. You can specify as many input files as you want. The results are merged into a single text file. You can open it in your favorite text editor or pipe it to stdout. The program Tesseract is used for the text recognition.
Posted by Eric Scheibler at October 14, 2014
Calendars and address books contain very sensible personal data. So it’s not advisable to share them with companies like Google or Apple. But with more than one client system in use, it is necessary to run an own calendar server to synchronize that data between the clients.
The first part of this article describes the installation and configuration of a calendar and contacts server. After that follows the presentation of calendar and address book programs for the Linux console and the Android operating system.
Posted by Eric Scheibler at September 10, 2014
Last year I’ve converted my blog to Octopress, a static website generator. Although I appreciate the general advantages of a static website generator I miss two features now:
The layout adaption would be fairly time consuming. So I searched for an alternative website generator which allows a more flexible design. I found what I searched for at nanoc. This article contains the created nanoc theme for this website.
Posted by Eric Scheibler at August 8, 2013
This article contains my mailcap file for the console mail client mutt. With the defined rules in the file it’s possible to open PDF, DOCX, HTML and other documents in mutt directly.